Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Thoracic Surgery correction pectus excavatum

Correction of Pectus Excavatum
In cases of funnel chest:
•   The correction of pectus excavatum is a depression of the sternum and costal cartilages.
1.  A vertical presternal incision.
2.  The origins of the pectoral muscles are reflected.
3.  Rib cartilages are separated from the sternum.
4.  Xiphoid process is transected from the sternum.
5.  An incision is made into the anterior mediastinum.
6.  The pericardium is dissected from the sternum.
7.  Wound is closed.
8.  Chest tubes, if used are attached to a sealed drainage unit.
•   Minor orthopedic procedures tray 
•   Thoracotomy tray and Vascular procedures tray 
•   Gigli saw set 
•   Bone holding instruments set 
•   Power saw, for example Stryker 
•   Lebsche sternal knife 
•   Mallet
•   Bone tenacula (2) 
•   Awl with fenestration 
•   Pliers
•   Basin set 
•   Suction tubing 
•   Blades (3) No. 10, (1) No. 15 
•   Electrosurgical pencil 
•   Needle magnet or counter 
•   Bone wax 
•   Drains.

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