Tuesday, June 28, 2016

NEURO SURGICAL Procedure Ventrico peritoneal shunt

Ventricular Peritoneal Shunts
In cases of hydrocephalus:
•   The insertion of a valve system to relieve tension of cere­brospinal fluid from the ventricular system.
Supine, patient head is slightly elevated and turned to the left.
   1.  Lines are marked for a right-sided shunt incision.
   2.  The scalp is incised.
   3.  The burr hole site in the periosteum is electrocoagulated.
   4.  The periosteum is incised.
   5.  Burr hole is made.
   6.  The dura is electrocoagulated and the outer layer incised.
   7.  Straight ventricular catheter is passed.
   8.  A premeasured length of catheter is advanced anterior to the foramen of Munro.
   9.  The transverse abdominal incision is carried down to the anterior rectus sheath.
10.  A distal catheter is passed from the scalp incision to the abdominal incision subcutaneously.
11.  The reservoir is attached to the proximal end.
12.  A longitudinal incision is made in the anterior rectus sheath.
13.  The peritoneum is grasped and incised (1 mm).
14.  The peritoneal catheter, passed intraperitoneally, is attached to the reservoir.
15.  Wounds may be irrigated with antibiotic solution.
16.  The abdominal wound is closed.
17.  The scalp incision is closed.
•   Craniotomy set 
•   Power drill, cord 
•   Small bull dog clamp 
•   Uterine packing forceps or a long passing instrument 
•   Basin set 
•   Blades (2) No. 15 
•   Sterile, plastic adhesive drape 
•   Suction tubing 
•   Plastic syringe (3 ml) and blunt needle (18 gauge) to pump through shunt reservoir and tubing 
•   Shunt
•   Bulb syringe 
•   Graduate
•   Cottonoids
•   Gell foam and thrombin 
•   Antibiotic irrigation.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

NEURO SURGICAL Procedure 5 stereotactic surgery

Stereotactic Surgery
Accurate localization of white matter deep in brain, i.e. basal ganglia or brain stem for ablation using:
•   Electrocoagulation
•   Cryoprobe.
     The localization requires a stereotactic frame and contrast radiography.
Sitting or prone.
1.  X-ray outline ventricle by injecting contrast.
2.  Stereotactic frame applied.
3.  Refer stereotactic atlas.
4.  Insert probe to required position.
5.  Lesion created in small increments.
6.  Stop when desired effect produced.
•   As for Ventriculography
•   Micro hand drill, twist drills and drill guard 
•   Lead shot 
•   Cryoprobe or electrocoagulation unit 
•   Stereotactic frame (Leksell, Cooper, Guiot Gillingham, etc)

.Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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To create consumer/provider enagement visit www.surginstruatlas.blogspot.co

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

NEURO SURGICAL Procedure 4 cranioplasty

In cases of defect in the skull bone:
•   Repair of cranial defect.
Local or general.
1.  Scalp is incised over the defect.
2.  The defect trimmed.
3.  Methylmethacrylate is mixed according to manufacturers directions.
4.  Surgeons then molds the material to fit the defect.
5.  Acrylic is removed from the polyethylene bag and allowed to harden.
6.  Excess material may be trimmed with rongeurs or a power saw.
7.  Holes are drilled in the periphery of the acrylic plate and the cranial defect.
8.  The plate is placed over the defect and secured by stainless steel wire passed through the holes.
9.  Wound is irrigated and closed.
•   Craniotomy set 
•   Power saw or craniotome and cord 
•   Power drill, burrs or cord 
•   Basin set 
•   Blades (2) No. 10 
•   Sterile, plastic adhesive drape 
•   Suction tubing 
•   Asepto or bulb syringes (2) 
•   Graduate
•   Cottonoids, large 
•   Bone wax 
•   Scalp clips 
•   Cranioplasty kit 
•   Stainless steel wire 
•   Antibiotic irrigation

.Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

NEURO SURGICAL Procedure 3 craniotomy

When on burr hole examination or other investigations larger access is required.
   A segment of the skull bone with the overlying skin and muscle is mobilized
   This lays bare a larger area of dura bare
   Larger lesions can be accessed and removed
   Opening of the skull to treat in emergency or electively
   Intracranial aneurysm
   Arteriovenous malformation
   Occluded intracranial vessel
   Tumors near the pituitary
   Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea or rhinorrhea
   Subdural or epidural hematoma (acute, subacute or chronic)
   Acoustic neuroma
   Varies with position of lesion:
     a.  supine
     b.  prone
     c.  sitting.
Local or general.
   1.  Procedure same as for single burr hole.
   2.  Repeated at the mapped out limits of the osteoplastic flap.
   3.  The intervening skull bones cut with a wire saw protecting the underlying dura.
   4.  Dura mater is carefully separated from the skull.
   5.  Bleeding is controlled with electrosurgical forceps, gelentin sponge, and bone wax.
   6.  The dura mater is incised.
   7.  Vessels in the dural margins are coagulated or ligated with hemoclips.
   8.  Dura mater may be tacked up to the pericranium.
   9.  Moist cottonoids are placed as necessary.
10.  A subcortical mass is approached by the most direct route except when this is through a vital region such as a motor or speech area.
11.  When cerebral resection is completed, the wound is irrigated.
12.  Hemostasis is ensured.
13.  The dural flap is closed making the suture line watertight.
14.  The bone flap is wired back.
15.  Burr holes may be covered with silicone rubber buttons, methylmethacrylate or autogenous bone clips.
16.  Scalp is closed, skin clips are removed.
17.  Wound is dressed and the head is wrapped in a turban like gauze bandage.
18.  On completion of procedure suture in layers.
   Craniotomy set
   General set

   Microsurgical instruments (e.g. microforceps, scissors, needle holders, curettes, suction tips, bipolar electrosurgical forceps, dissectors, elevators).

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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