Tuesday, April 12, 2016

ENT PROCEDURES 12 intranasal anterostomy

Intranasal Antrostomy
In cases of chronic purulent antral sinusitis
   An opening into the maxillary sinus though the lateral nasal wall beneath the inferior turbinate.
General or local.
1.  Mucosal incision is made over the inferior turbinate, which is then elevated superiorly with a periosteal elevator.
2.  Nasoantral wall and the inferior turbinate rongeured.
3.  The inferior meatus of the nasal wall is removed down to the level of the floor of the nasal cavity.
4.  Diseased mucosa are excised .
5.  Intranasal packing is required for hemostasis.
6.  Dressing is placed under the nose.
   Nasal set
   Minor procedure set
   Metal tongue depressor
   Poly forceps
   Nasal snare with wires
   Basin set
   Blades (2) No. 15
   Needle magnet or counter
   Bulb syringe
   Bayonet bipolar electrocoagulating forceps
   Nasal packing for example 1/2"

   Iodoform gauze or vaseline gauze (for bleeding).

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