Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Face lift surgery

Face Lift
To improve the appearance of facial ageing by correcting laxity of the skin of face and neck.
Supine, head extended with a pillow under the shoulders and ring under the head. Head end elevated 15°.
General or local with deep sedation.
1.  Mark incisions. 
2.  Infiltrate xylocaine 0.5% with adrenaline 1 in 200,000.
3.  Incise and develop flaps.
4.  Excise redundant skin and subcutaneous tissues.
5.  Closure in layers.
•   Limited plastic procedure set 
•   Metzenbaum scissors 8" long 
•   Crepe bandage 4" rolls.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Augmentation rhinoplasty

Augmentation Rhinoplasty
•   Augmentation of depressed or saddle nose with bone on cartilage graft.
1.  Clean and drape.
2.  Incise and dissect nasal dorsum.
3.  Harvest bone or cartilage graft.
4.  Prepare of graft.
5.  Insertion of graft in prepared nasal dorsum.
6.  Closure.
7.  Packing, taping and splinting of nose.
•   Limited plastic procedure set 
•   Bone surgery set (for homo graft) 
     a.  Periosteum elevators 
     b.  Osteotome 5 mm 
     c.  Bone cutter 
     d.  Bone nibbler 
     e.  Mallet.
•   6‘0’ Prolene on curved cutting needle 
•   5‘0’ Chromic catgut on curved cutting needle.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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Thursday, August 18, 2016


Cosmetic Rhinoplasty
Correction of nasal deformities such as:
•   hump nose 
•   deviated nose 
•   long nose, etc. 
Supine, head extended, pillow under shoulders, ring under the head, head end of table elevated to 30°.
•   General or local.
1.  Pack nose with xylocaine 2% with Adrenalin 1 in 100000.
2.  Infiltrate with xylocaine 1% with adrenaline 1 in 100,000.
3.  Incisions and exposure of nasal frame work.
4.  Excision of the hump.
5.  Lateral nasal osteotomies.
6.  Shaping of nasal tip cartilages.
7.  Closure.
8.  Taping of nasal dorsum.
9.  Application of nasal splint.
•   Limited plastic procedure set 
•   Rhinoplasty set consisting of nasal speculums 2 
•   Double pronged hook (Kilner) 
•   Periosteum elevator (Joseph) (Fig. 18.21) 
•   Nasal retractor (Aufricht) (Fig. 18.22) 
•   Nasal chisel (McIndoe) (Fig. 18.23) 
•   Double guided nasal osteotome (Cinelli) (Fig. 18.24)
•   Osteotome 2 mm 
•   Dorsal scissors (Cottle) (Fig. 18.25) 
•   Cartilage scissors 
•   Nasal rasp 
•   Glabellar rasp 
•   Sutures:
     a.  5‘0’ Chromic catgut on curved cutting needle 
     b.  5‘0’ Vicryl or PDS in curved round body needle 
     c.  6‘0’ Prolene on curved cutting needle.
•   Vaseline gauze 
•   Micropore tape cut into strips 1/4" wide and 4" long
•   Gypsona/Velroc/Aluminum sheet for nasal splint.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Reduction mammoplasty

Reduction Mammoplasty/Mastopexy
•   Reduction of excessively large breasts 
•   Elevation of hanging breasts.
Supine, upper body flexed 20arms abducted 45.
1.  Marking (done the night before or morning of operation with patient standing errect).
2.  Prepare nipple areola containing pedicle flap.
     3.  Prepare lateral flaps and excise excess fat and skin.
     4.  Hemostasis close over suction drains.
•   Plastic surgery set 
•   Suction drains 
•   Sutures:
     a.  4‘0’ Monocryl/chromic catgut on curved cutting needle
     b.  5 ‘0’ Prolene on curved cutting needle 
     c.  6 ‘0’ Prolene on curved cutting needle.
•   Elastoplast for dressing.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Augmentation Mammooplasty

Augmentation Mammoplasty
Increase of breast size by using implants in patients with small breasts.
•   Supine
•   Arms abducted.
1.  Submammary skin crease incision.
2.  Create a pocket by blunt and sharp dissection.
3.  Hemostasis.
4.  Insert implant.
5.  Suction drain (optional).
6.  Close in layers.
•   General plastic procedure set 
•   Long Metzenbaum scissors curved on flat (Fig. 8.35)
•   Retractors
•   Deaver 2 (Fig. 8.94) 
•   Long forceps-nontoothed 
•   Suction drains 
•   Mammoplasty prosthesis 
•   Elastoplast for dressing 
•   Sutures:
     a.  4 ‘0’ Monocryl or chromic catgut on curved cutting needle
     b.  5 ‘0’ Prolene on curved cutting needle.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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