Wednesday, December 2, 2015

DENTAL OPERATION 4 wisdm tooth percoronitis

To remove pus and infected gum and pus near infected wisdom tooth (Box 15.1).

Box 15.1: Wisdom tooth
A wisdom tooth, usually a lower one, starts to emerge (erupt).
There may not be enough room in the mouth for it to break completely through the gums.
The tooth will push upward on the gums and may only partially expose itself. Some portion of the tooth may remain covered by a flap of gum tissue.
Food particles and bacteria may lodge under the flap, causing a low-grade infection and subsequent swelling.
2% Lidocaine.
1.  Identify the pocket remove overlaying flap clean the area thoroughly to remove damaged tissue or pus.
2.  If the area is infected, give oral antibiotics as well. Keep the area clean, which is the best way to prevent recurrences with mouth wash several times a day.
3.  If the condition recurs, remove the unerupted tooth.
•   Mouth mirror
•   Explorer
•   2% Lidocaine
•   Syringe for irrigation
•   Saline and hydrogen peroxide
•   Surgical blade.

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