Thursday, February 2, 2012


Varicose stripper
Varicose stripper is used for stripping varicose veins in the long or short saphenous system.
Aneurysm needles
Aneurysm needles are of great value during surgical procedure.
They are blunt needles with handles for passing behind deep vascular pedicles after they have been clearly dissected;
the eye with the thread helps to deliver it behind the pedicle which can thus be ligated.
They were designed to ligate feeding vessels of aneurysm.
The curvature at the end is to suit the direction of the feeding vessel to be ligated.
The next three instruments are required when there is accidental injury to a vein or an artery.
De Bakey aortic is used for holding and closing the aorta or a part of it during vascular operations or injury to a last vessel.
Mini bulldog clamp serves a similar purpose for smaller arteries to hold and repair.
Satinski clamp is used for holding the slide of a vein for opening it or repairing a tear in it

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