Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Plastic surgery Palmer Fasciectomy

Palmar Fasciectomy
In cases of contracture (Depuytren’s):
•   Excision of the fascia of the palm to correct the deformity.
Supine hand on hand rest.
General or regional.
1.  Short longitudinal palmar incision is next to the contraction band which is resected.
2.  For more extensive disease a longer incision with a Z plasty arrangement.
3.  Care is taken to avoid injury to digital nerves and flexor tendons.
4.  Wound closure may be done by primary suture.
5.  An anterior splint is applied.
•   Limited plastic procedure set 
•   Basin set 
•   Tube stockinette 
•   Esmarch bandage 
•   Blades (2) No. 15 
•   Marking pen.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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