Thursday, February 5, 2015

Emergency I.H. Repair

Emergency Hernia Repair
To relive obstruction in case of:
•   Obstructed or strangulated hernia.
1.  If the history is short, the sac will frequently be empty.
2.  There is no point in exploring the abdomen. Repair the hernia as for an elective repair.
3.  If bowel is present in the sac, incise sac and drain out exudate.
4.  Examine bowel and dilate the margins of the sac.
5.  If the bowel is viable, return it to the abdomen.
6.  If necessary, resect a gangrenous segment of bowel perform­ing on end to end anatomosis.
7.  Carry out a hernial repair.
8.  Close wound in layers.
•   Hernia set
•           Gastrointestinal set

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