Thursday, April 18, 2013

Infection Control Recall review 3

    1.   What does sterilization mean as it applies to equipment used in Surgery?
    2.   What is the difference between a gravity steam sterilizer and a high vacuum sterilizer?
    3.   Why is it important that all air be evacuated from the steam sterilizer?
    4.   Name the four phases of a steam sterilization cycle.
    5.   Discuss the proper method of preparing stainless steel instruments for sterilization?
    6.   Why must linen be freshly laundered before it is used to wrap goods for steam sterilization?
    7.   What bacterium is used to monitor a steam-sterilized load?
INTERNET website
1.   Association for Practitioners in Infection Control (APIC). http/www.   .
2.   Association for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). http/   .
3.   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http/www.  .

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