Friday, June 15, 2012


Equipments Required for Tracheal Intubation
Intubation tray
· Laryngoscope and blades.
· Tracheal tube (Correct size, a size smaller and a size bigger).
· Tracheal tube connector.
· Stillete
· Magill's forceps.
· Gum elastic bougies, Size : 6 mm.
· 10 ml cuff inflating syringe.
· Plastic clamp.
· Securing tape/adhesive.
· Catheter mount.
· Local spray (4% Lignocaine).
· Lubricant anesthetic jelly.
· Sterile throat packs, gauze piece.
· Anesthesia machine and breathing system, face masks, oropharynx and nasopharyngeal airway.
Checkingthe tube position Position of the tracheal tube is checked for correct placement in trachea:
· By watching the chest movements on manual ventilation.
· Auscultating the chest for breath sounds.
· End tidal C02 value if it is attached to a capnometer.
· Compliance of the reservior bag.
· Opacification of the transparent tube during exhalation and normal oxygen saturation.
Fixing the tube The tube is attached to facial skin by adhesive tape which encircles the tube or using a cotton tape which encircles the head.
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