Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Plastic surgery Syndactltaly repair

Repair of Syndactylism
In cases of congenital fused fingers:
•   Separation of webbed fused digits.
1.  Zig-zag or Z-plasty incisions are made in the interdigital space(s).
2.  The neurovascular bundles are protected.
3.  Bony and ligamentous defects if present are corrected.
4.  The incisions are closed.
5.  Full thickness grafts (e.g. skin from the abdomen or the medial aspect of the arm or the thigh) may be required to close defects.
6.  Stents are sutured over the grafts.
7.  A bulky dressing and splint are applied.
•   Minor orthopedic procedure set 
•   Basin set 
•   Sheet wadding 
•   Esmarch bandage 
•   Blades (2) No. 15 
•   Bulb syringe 
•   Marking pen 
•   Stents.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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