Thursday, May 16, 2013

ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT 4 Care of equipment(low voltage)

Care of Low Voltage Equipments
In order that an extra low-voltage circuit may function well all connections must be kept clean, dry and free from corrosion.
•     After sterilization, heat processed apparatus must be dried before storing away.
•     Good contact of the connections must be maintained and loose contacts repaired immediately by the electrician when they are detected.
•     Lamps must be tightly screwed in position.
•     And the current source should, if possible, remain fairly constant. Therefore, batteries must be replaced before they are exhausted. Batteries left too long in the metal case tend to sweat, especially in humid atmospheres, causing corro-sion and the discharge of power. All batteries not in actual use should be stored under dry conditions.
Rechargeable Battery Packs
Rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries are being used as accessory of medical equipments. These are expensive and have a limited life, although are electrically safe.
•     Rechargeable batteries are capable of delivering a very high current on discharge, so should not be shorted, as this might result in sparking. Another feature is that their life is extended by regular discharging and recharging
•     Thus, any piece of equipment containing rechargeable batteries should be regularly switched on and regularly recharged
•           They can fail without warning, back-up batteries for essential pieces of equipment are required.

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