Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Sterilization by Ionizing Radiation
Most equipment available prepackaged from the manufacturer has been sterilized by ionizing radiation. 
Items such as sutures, sponges and disposable drapes are just a few of the many types of presterilized products available. 
Also included are anhydrous materials such as powders and petroleum goods.

Sterilization by Low-Temperature Steam and Formaldehyde (LTSF)
This is a physicochemical method which uses a combination of dry saturated steam and formaldehyde to kill vegetative bacteria, bacterial spores and most viruses and the method is thus suitable for heat-sensitive materials and items of equipment with integral plastic components susceptible to damage by other processes.
            Prior to removal of sterilized objects all formaldehyde must be removed to provide a dry, sterile, formalin-free load.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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