Friday, April 13, 2012


When do you need this operation?
This operation may be required in the following cases:
· Poor-risk patients with obstruction due to ileocaecal tuberculosis
· Unresectable growth of transverse or descending colon.
· Transverse ileocolostomy to bypass the obstruction because of unresectable cancer of caecum or ascending colon.
Position of the patient
Surgical steps
· An upper or lower paramedian or midline incision is given.
· A mobile loop of terminal ileum is brought into apposition to transverse or sigmoid colon as the case may be.
· The ileum and colon are incised between clamps.
· Now a two-layer anastomosis is carried out using continuous or interrupted sutures making a 4-cm stoma.
· The abdomen is closed in layers.
Instruments used
· General set, 1
· Laparotomy set, 1
· Dennis anastomosis clamps, 1 pair
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