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Friday, July 26, 2013

Anesthesia & Equipment 1

4. Anesthesia Equipment and Anesthetics


Administration of anesthesia is an essential technique in the operation theater and is required for most surgical patients.

     The technique selected is related to the surgical procedure and the drugs and equipment available in the OT.

     It is planned so as to suit each patient’s specific needs.

     All anesthesia technique used should be safe for all types of patients.

In anesthesia potent drugs are used and they:

     Produce loss of consciousness

     Depress circulation

     Depress respiration

     Produce sympathetic blockade and muscle paralysis.

Anesthetics drugs or the surgical procedures may result in:

     Unwanted respiratory or circulatory reflex responses (Side effects)

     Sometimes, the procedure may demand unphysiologic positioning of the patient producing circulatory or respiratory interferance

     The procedure may cause massive blood loss.

      These are some of the effects that the anesthetists should anticipate and take care to counteract and provide ‘safe anesthesia’ covering all these factors. To achieve this objective an anesthetist needs to master the knowledge of the effects of relevant drugs and equipments used during the procedure. Various anesthetic procedures are used which includes:

     General anesthesia.

     Regional includes epidural spinal and caudal blocks.

     Local techniques usually administered by surgeon for minor procedures.

     Monitored anesthesia care (MAC) is a combination of local infiltration with IV analgesia the potential vital signs and analgesia needs are monitored and further medication provided.

     Conscious sedation analgesia. This is used for short-term surgical and diagnostic procedures like endoscopy.
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