Friday, September 20, 2013

ANESTHESIA 9 Resusitation drugs equipment

Equipments Required for Resuscitation
•   Anesthesia machine with breathing circuit/Artificial Mecha­nical breathing unit (AMBU BAG).
•   Oxygen source attached to the machine (cylinder or pipeline)
•   Equipment required for tracheal intubation.
•   Suction apparatus.
•   Emergency drugs:
     a.  Vasopressors—Adrenaline, Noradrenaline, Dopamine Dobutamine, Nitroglycerin, Metaraminol Methoxa­mine, Mephentermine, Phenylephrine.
     b.  Antihypertensive—Nifedipine, Isoptin.
     c.  Sodium bicarbonate, Calcium chloride, potassium chloride.
     d.  Hydrocortisone.
     e.  Aminophylline.
     f.   Antihistamines - Pheniramine.
     g.  Antiemetic-Stemetil, Sequil.
     h.  Antiarrhythmic-Xylocard, Isoptin, Procainamide, Propranolol.
     i.   Atropine sulphate.
     j.   Anticonvulsants-diazepam, dilantin sodium, Thiopen­tone Intravenous fluids-crystalloids and colloids and infusion sets.
•   Disposable syringes (2, 5, 10, 20, 50 ml) and needles (16, 18, 20, 22 G).
•   IV cannulae (16, 18, 20 G).
•   Cleaning tray-Gallipot, sponge holding forceps, sterile gauze swabs.
•   Antiseptics—Savlon, iodine, spirit.
•   Intravenous cannula—18 G/16 G.
•   Intravenous infusion set and intravenous fluids
     a.  5% dextrose
     b.  Normal saline
     c.  Ringer’s lactate
     d.  Haemacal.
•   Patient monitors—ECG, Spo2, NIBP.
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