Thursday, April 5, 2012


What are the various positions of appendix?
· Retrocaecal
· Pelvic
· Pre-ileal
· Post-ileal.
What is an appendicular lump?
In cases of acute appendicitis, the infection can spread beyond the appendix to
· Omentum
· Ileum
· Caecum
· Parietal peritoneum.
All these structures get inflamed and produce exudates; this causes adherence of these organs. These inflamed adherent organs form the appendicular mass. There may be pus in this mass.
How do you treat an appendicular lump?
The treatment is non-operative:
· Bed rest
· Nil orally (by month)
· Nutrition by intravenous feeding
· Nasogastric suction if there is distension
· Antibiotics (broad spectrum) for aerobes and anaerobes
· Frequent re-examination to assess the size of mass, fever and pulse rate
· Surgical intervention if no improvement occurs.
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