PDA Ligation
• Open chest
• Suture
ligation of patent ductus arteriosus.
Right lateral (Left side up).
General, endotracheal.
1. Skin incision No. 3 BP handle with No. 10 blade.
2. Separation of muscle, Zerney’s retractor and
Morris retractor.
3. Rib separation with cautery.
4. Finechietto retractor with small blade.
5. Exposure of ductus.
6. Right angle and silk-2, to tie the ductus.
7. Pleural closing 4.0 Atrosilk.
8. Chest drainage tube.
9. Pericostal and closure 0-catgut on round body
10. Muscle closing 3.0 Vicryl or 3.0 Dexron.
11. Dressing with betadine.
• Cardiac set as in pericardiectomy.
• Bailey
Glovers PDA clamps, 2 set
• DeBakey
angled clamp small, 1 set In case PDA to be
• DeBakey
angled clamp curved, 1 set sutured.
• Cooley
clamp, 1 set
• Harken
clamp, 1 set
• Ligature
carrier, 1 set
• Scissors
Metzenbaum, 1 set
• Scissors
Pott’s 7", 1 set
• Debakey
needle holder 7", 1 set
• Bailey
needle holder 8", 1 set
• Retractor,
malleable, small, 1 set
• Debakey
dissecting forceps 7", 3 set
• Morse
Andrews suction tip big, 1 set
• Morse
Andrews suction tip small, 1 set
• Gemini
right angle clamp, 1 set.
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