Hypospadias Repair
In case of:
• Arrested development of urethra opening at some point on the ventral surface of the penis.
• Transfer of the opening to the tip of the penis.
Supine (legs apart).
1. The chordee (bend in penis) by excising the fibrous tissue on the under aspect of the penis.
2. On the under surface of the penis in place of the absent urethra, urethra is reconstructed.
3. Incision is made on the under aspect of the penis.
4. The reconstructed urethra tube splinted by a catheter, is placed in the tunnel over which the remaining foreskin is grafted.
• Basic/Minor procedure tray
• Urethral sounds (Fig. 11.3).
• Electrosurgical unit.
Any questions send to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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