Showing posts with label Lt hemi when steps instruments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lt hemi when steps instruments. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2012



When is the procedure indicated?

Left Hemicolectomy is required in the following cases:

·       Tumours of the splenic flexure and descending colon

·       Diverticular disease with perforation or bleeding with the removal of part of transverse descending and sigmoid colon. 

Position of the patient




Surgical steps

·       Midline incision is given

·       The Descending colon and splenic flexure are mobilized.

·       The inferior mesenteric vessel is divided between ligatures at its take off.

·       The greater omentum is separated from the stomach to take it with the left half of the transverse colon.

·       Now colon is divided between clamps removing left lateral third of transverse colon and descending and sigmoid colon.

·       Then anastomose transverse colon to the rectum using a single layer of interrupted non-absorbable suture.

·       To avoid tension, it may be necessary to mobilise the right transverse colon.

·       The abdomen is closed without drainage.


·       General set

·       Laparotomy set

·       Harrington splanchnic retractor
Peans intestinal forceps, 1 pair

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