Showing posts with label BONE CUTTING SAWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BONE CUTTING SAWS. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2011



Various bone-cutting instruments commonly seen in modern surgery are as follows:
Saw. Bone cutting forceps
Chisel. Rongeurs
Osteotome. Rougine
Bone gouge. Costotomes (Rib cutters)


All amputations of the extremities involve cutting through the central bone of the limb, thus the need for a saws.
These instruments have teeth on their cutting edge so as to facilitate cutting through bone.
Ferguson Saw has a broad blade and is used for big central bones of lower limb

Adams-Jones is a saw with a short narrow cutting blade and a blunt tip.
• Tip handle is designed to give a grip for the surgeon (Often called a pistol-grip handle) and a blade that can cut in a small space (neck of shaft femur).
• Powered bone saws allow bones to be cut in a short time with minimum effort. ( Stryker saw)
• Gigli saw is a cutting wire edge that cuts small spaces.
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