Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Cardio-vascular Surgery Pericardectomy

   To open chest
   To excise pericardium
   To relieve constriction of the heart.
General, endotracheal.
   Supine or right semilateral
   1.  Cleaning and draping.
   2.  Incision midsternotomy or thoracotomy.
   3.  Skin incision with knife, sponge and cutting cautery.
   4.  Separation of the pericardium with Rt. angle and cautery (cutting) and gauze piece.
   5.  Excise the pericardium.
   6.  Chest drainage tube.
   7.  Pericostal closure sponge and instruments count.
   8.  Muscle closure with 1-0 Vicryl or Dexron.
            9.         Subcutaneous 2-0 Vicryl or Dexron.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Thoracoplasty (Removal of Rib)
In cases of extensive TB of the lungs:
   To cause a collapse of the lungs by removal of rib.
Left or Right lateral position.
General intubation.
   1.  Cleaning of the patient with Savlon and painting with Tincture Iodine and draping.
   2.  Incision with No. 20 blade and No. 3 BP handle.
   3.  Cauterization with cutting cautery.
   4.  Elevation of the periosteum of the rib with periosteum elevator.
   5.  Cutting of the rib with rib cutter.
   6.  Sponge and instruments count.
   7.  Drainage: Under water seal drainage.
   8.  Muscle closure with No. 1-0 Vicryl.
   9.  Skin closure with 2-0 Vicryl.
10.  Dressing with Betadine ointment and gauze.
11.  Shifting of the patient.
Chest sheet 1 pkt, Gown 1 pkt, Chest drape 1 pkt, OPT 1 pkt.
General set, water seal set, Rib resection set, Cleaning set.
Major procedure tray
   Retractor Davidson scapula                        1
   Duvals lung holding forceps                     2
   Sinus rib holding forceps                          1
   Dorham’s aneurysm needle                       2
   Retractor Allisoi’s (Lung retractor )           1
   Periosteum elevator notch type                 2
   Bronchus clamp                                          2
   Dissector W/S                                             1
•           Stinskey clamp

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Thoracic Surgery Thymectomy

In cases of Myasthenia or tumors of thymus:
•   Removal of the thymus gland.
1.  A sternal splitting incision.
2.  Mediastinal fat pad is incised and the thymus gland dissected from it and the underlying pericardium.
3.  Vascular attachments are ligated.
4.  To avoid the great vessels and the parathyroid glands.
5.  Hemostasis is achieved.
6.  If either pleural space has been entered a chest tube(s) and sealed drainage unit may be necessary.
•   Thoracotomy procedure set 
•   Vascular procedures set 
•   Minor procedures set 
•   Tracheostomy tray 
•   Lebsche sternal knife 
•   Mallet 
•   Sternal saw 
•   Rake retractors 
•   Basin set 
•   Suction tubing 
•   Blades (3) No. 10, (1) No. 15 adult, (2) No. 15 children 
•   Bone wax 
•   Drain 
•   Umbilical tape 
•   Dissectors 
•   Chest tube(s) connector, and sealed drainage unit.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Thoracic Surgery correction pectus excavatum

Correction of Pectus Excavatum
In cases of funnel chest:
•   The correction of pectus excavatum is a depression of the sternum and costal cartilages.
1.  A vertical presternal incision.
2.  The origins of the pectoral muscles are reflected.
3.  Rib cartilages are separated from the sternum.
4.  Xiphoid process is transected from the sternum.
5.  An incision is made into the anterior mediastinum.
6.  The pericardium is dissected from the sternum.
7.  Wound is closed.
8.  Chest tubes, if used are attached to a sealed drainage unit.
•   Minor orthopedic procedures tray 
•   Thoracotomy tray and Vascular procedures tray 
•   Gigli saw set 
•   Bone holding instruments set 
•   Power saw, for example Stryker 
•   Lebsche sternal knife 
•   Mallet
•   Bone tenacula (2) 
•   Awl with fenestration 
•   Pliers
•   Basin set 
•   Suction tubing 
•   Blades (3) No. 10, (1) No. 15 
•   Electrosurgical pencil 
•   Needle magnet or counter 
•   Bone wax 
•   Drains.

Any questions be sent to drmmkapur@gmail.com
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