All members of the team should have vaccination for
Hepatitis B.
Hepatitis B.
There is as yet no vaccines for HIV and HCV. The sources for transmission from HBV, HCV and HIV can be the patient, his body fluids and sharps or other equipment. Therefore the following steps are suggested:
1. Hand washing after removal of gloves with detergent even when gloves have been used in a procedure.
2. Gloves, goggles and aprons worn in all procedures.
• Sharps-All suturing use forceps to hold skin edges
• Use needle holders
• Use instrument to hold needle to adjust needle holder.
3. Discard all used needles into sharps containers.
4. Spills of body fluids covered with absorbent material and kept in contact with 1 percent sodium hypochlorite for 30 minutes and then mopped dry.
5. Specimens from patients infected with HIV or hepatitis should be placed in a sealed plastic bag and marked with warning tape.
6. Contaminated dressings and waste material should be placed in a yellow plastic bag for incineration.
7. Any linen contaminated with blood or body fluids should be handled with gloves, and washed in a washing machine separately at the highest temperature setting or act according to hospital policy.
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